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 Convert a string to proper-name case


      FT_PROPER( <cString> ) -> cProperName


     <cString> is the string to be converted.


     A string of the same length as <cString>, only converted to
     proper name case (upper/lower case).


     FT_PROPER() uses a brute-force algorithm to convert a string
     to propername case.  First, it capitalizes the first letter of
     all words starting after a blank, dash, or apostrophe.  This
     catches most names, including special cases such as names
     beginning with O' (O'Malley, O'Reilly) and hyphenated names
     (such as Susan Chia-Mei Lo).

     Next, it does a specific adjustment for words beginning in "Mc"
     It finds the first 'Mc' and capitalizes the next character after
     it.  It does this for all occurrences of Mc.

     The original FT_PROPER() was written in Clipper by Glenn Scott
     and Mark Zechiel; it was re-written in C (and thus, optimized
     and enhanced) by Robert DiFalco.


       FUNCTION main( cStr )
         OutStd( FT_PROPER( cStr ) + chr(13) + chr(10) )
       RETURN ( nil )

 Source: PROPER.C

 Author: Robert DiFalco and Glenn Scott

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